The Altar Server ministry provides the opportunity for our parishioners, fourth graders and older, to express their loving devotion to God in service in the liturgy, particularly at the Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday Masses. There are also the special celebrations of the Church that may not fall on a weekend, like Christmas and the Holy Week liturgies, for which our altar servers can volunteer.
Classes are held at least two times a year, or as needed, where appropriate training is provided to include walking through Mass procedures. The trainings are announced in the bulletin and from the pulpit before the end of Mass about three weeks in advance.
Individuals may sign up for this ministry by completing the Altar Server application which can be picked up from the church office or downloaded from this page under "Documents".
Schedules are published quarterly and may be picked up from the Ministry Prayer Room (next to confessionals), or viewed by following the link "MSP Website" on the right of this page.
The candidates should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and carry them out with appropriate reverence. They also should be able to respond appropriately to the parts of the Mass, as well as the chants of the liturgy.
If you feel like this is the Minsitry God wants you to join, please click the button below:
We welcome volunteers to the Altar Server Ministry who:
Have the desire to actively participate in the Mass by being attentive and prayerful.
Belong to families that are registered members of Holy Trinity
Have been baptized and received First Communion
Actively practice their Catholic faith by participating in the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church
Are in third grade or older
Are enrolled in a Faith Formation program, whether it be in Holy Trinity, a Catholic School or a structured home study
Have completed a training
For more information please contact Deacon Joe Franklin at: [email protected]