Fulton Sheen Apostolate is a group of men and women who come together weekly in small faith sharing groups to grow in our Christian faith by listening to the 50 audio lessons of the late Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, known as "Life is Worth Living," or "The Sheen Catechism."Abp.
Sheen, widely considered the best teacher of Catholicism in the modern era, takes us on a journey that starts with an assumption that we have no faith nor knowledge of Christianity and builds a foundation, beginning with philosophy, and slowly brings us to the fullness of truth of Jesus’ Church.
He does this seemingly effortlessly, with no homework or preparation required, and whether you are a brand new Catholic or a theologian, you will hear our faith explained in ways you haven’t heard before. After listening for 30 min or less, we begin individual sharing with the simple question, “What did you get out of the lesson today?”. We close in prayer and lift prayer petitions for each other. Much more than merely head knowledge, Bishop Sheen will cause you to fall in love with your faith, Jesus and your neighbor more than you ever have and in the process you will grow in community and friendship with fellow parishioners.
We meet every Wednesday from 6:45pm to 8:15pm in the St. John’s classroom, and we offer a hybrid meeting with the Zoom option.
A new session will begin on May 15, 2024. Come and hear!