Looking for compassionate assistance with your pregnancy? Not sure what to do?
We are here to help. Call one of these ministries for free pregnancy tests and other free services:
Allied Women's Center
Open 9:30-3:30 Mon-Fri
Phone (210) 224-7077
A Woman's Haven
Open 9:00-5:00 Mon-Fri
Open 9:00-1:00 Sat (by appointment please call ahead)
Phone 210-224-2902
Heartbeat International
The largest network of life-affirming, pregnancy help organizations in the world. Their message is, “Every woman should be loved and supported during her pregnancy. Help someone with an unintended pregnancy connect to local life-affirming pregnancy help quickly at Heartbeat’s OptionLine.org or by calling our 24/7 emergency helpline 800-712-HELP (4357).”
This hotline will connect people with the help available closest to where they live. Confidential guidance is offered, both in English and in Spanish.